
An ever-growing list of resources useful in architectural lighting

Typical Details

Know the difference between a slot and a cove! Wallwashers vs adjustable accents! A basic glossary of terms used in the lighting industry:


A shelf or moulding with light emanating upward from it to illuminate the ceiling.


US Department of Energy lists the current status of energy codes and standards adoption. Status for both residential and commercial buildings for U.S. States and territories.

The International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) strives to set the global standard for lighting design excellence by promoting the advancement and recognition of professional lighting designers.

The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) builds upon a century of excellence to create the premier lighting community dedicated to promoting the art and science of quality lighting to its members, allied professional organizations, and the public. The IES publishes Lighting Recommended Practices for various space types.

Makers of Climate Studio, Alfa, and DIVA for Rhino, Solemma is the leading climate modeling software for architectural design. Lam Partners sits on the Product Advisory Group.

Lytei provides a neutral platform free of reviews and opinions – to focus on the facts and stories behind People, places,  product development, and the transformation of design in the architectural lighting industry.