Lam Labs: IES Research Symposium
This past month, Glenn Heinmiller and Dan Weissman represented Lam Labs at the IES Research Symposium hosted at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in Portland, OR. Dan participated on the Symposium Planning Committee, leading a panel discussion on Ecological Considerations for the Lighting Industry with Kate Hickox of PNNL, Brad Schelsshelman from Musco and Dark Sky International, Sean Derras of Lightly, and Leela Shanker from WAP Sustainability and the Flint Collective. The panel was well-received, with many attendees praising the call for improved data on lighting system life cycle analysis, reduction in Anthropogenic Light at Night, low embodied carbon material and hardware solutions, and improved circularity.
They also visited Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s Lighting Lab where they witnessed cutting-edge lighting research in action, gaining valuable insights into the future of lighting. A recurring theme throughout the two days was the necessity of educating the lighting design, manufacturing, and sales communities about the new technologies and design strategies discussed at the Symposium. Lam Labs will be active in that effort.