William M.C. Lam Archives

Where available, titles below are hyperlinked to scanned PDFs for research purposes. Not all scans are comprehensive. Contact dan@lampartners.com for additional information.
Lam, William M. C.
— Personal Website – William M C Lam.
— “Lighting for Architecture.” Architectural Record, 1 Jan. 1965.
—“The Lighting of Cities.” Architectural Record, June and July 1965.
“The Lighting of Cities” – Draft, 1964
— Perception and Lighting as Formgivers for Architecture. McGraw-Hill, 1977.
— Éclairage et Architecture. Moniteur, 1977 [French Edition of PaLaFA]
— Sunlighting as Formgiver for Architecture. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1986.
Lam, William M. C., Albert G. H. Dietz, and Roger F. Hallenbeck. Performance Criteria for the Luminous Environment. State University Construction Fund, May 1973. [Link to Draft Table of Contents – Further information by request]
Lam, William M. C., Albert G. H. Dietz, Roger F. Hallenbeck, et al. An Approach to the Design of the Luminous Environment: A Research Project. State University Construction Fund, 1976.
Lam, William M. C., Peter M. Coxe, et al. The Effects of Light on Health: A Review and Assessment. The Bureau of Human Ecology, Department of Health And Welfare, 30 Mar. 1976.
Lam, William M. C., and Robert J. Osten. “North American Office Lighting Over Four Decades.” International Lighting Review, vol. 3, 1989, p. 123.
William M. Lam & Associates.
— Improving City Streets for Use at Night: The Norfolk Experiment. The Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority, June 1974.
— Light and Museum Design: Proposal for a Study. 1976.
— Lighting Design Discussion: Cambridge Common. 1986.
William M. Lam & Associates, and Brigham/Eldredge/Limon/Hussey Architects. Commonwealth Avenue Lighting Design. Design Proposal, Department of Public Works, Department of Parks and Recreation, 1974.
Interviews and Press
Architectural Lighting Staff. “William Lam, FIALD [Interview].” Architectural Lighting, 8 Mar. 2007
Santos Taylor, Marcelline. “2001 Hall of Fame: William Lam.” Architect Magazine, 8 Mar. 2007
Schielke, Thomas. Interview William M. C. Lam: Light and Architecture – YouTube. 2007
ERCO. “William Lam | ERCO Lighting Knowledge.” Erco Website
Projects 1963-1994
A complete list of Bill’s projects may be found here in a sortable Project Database.
Job# nomenclature: First 2 numbers indicate the year the project was initiated (6305 = 1963).
Lam Workshop / Lam Inc. Light Fixtures
Zaferiou, Paul. Bill Lam a Tribute. IES Banquet. 2012
Donoff, Elizabeth. “William Lam 1924-2012.” Architect Magazine, 23 Apr. 2012.
Marquard, Bryan. “William Lam, 87; Architect Made Lighting Part of Design.” The Boston Globe, 4 May 2012.
Maxwell, Jill Hecht. “William M. C. Lam ’49.” MIT Technology Review, 19 Apr. 2011.